Sunday, April 27, 2008

In the long dark night

Just came back from hongkong. As beautiful a tourism spot, this streets once, and still is, a place of drugs and prostituition. On the back alleys, there is a hidden story.. of the very least of them. Repeated visits, unquenchable thirst.

Was priviledged to join my family to have a lunch meeting with pastor sam lye, of course I did little of the talking, only listening. Pastor sam is an ex drug addict, he used to be a gangster that tormented temple street. He even joined the police force and was corrupt as it could get. But God had a better planned, and I just stood amazed looking at how Jesus absolutely tranformed this man. Just hearing from him, I could see a true man of God. What an incredible story! Im starting on the book he handed to us, Miracles in the long dark night of Temple Street (english version), but im already so encouraged. When I reached back to the hotel, a simple chorus just resonated from within me "There is hope! There is hope for us. Praise God! We stand a chance. There is hope, in this hopelessness. There is hope in the name of JESUS." Yes indeed, it served as such a reminder, that no matter how bad the situation is, there is hope even for the most hopeless. Jesus Christ can break all barriers! There can be miracles when you believe- no mountain He cannot move it, no storm He cannot calm it, no problem He cannot solve it. Praise God

This is for the young and old
The desperate souls
Passionate but our hearts have grown cold

I come here again
Again and again
But still this thirst is unquenchable

I seek pleasure, I seek wealth
But tell me where is the love?
Where is the love?

All I have is regrets
In this emptiness, in this emptiness

"I try...I try
I try
But I fail

I try, I try...
I try, I try...
But I am but dust
A sinner to the last"

This is for the beggar on the streets
Oh the sinful streets
To the passer-bys who pass by aimlessly

This is for the theif that takes
From the filthy, the weak
This is for the man that says 'you cant help me'

This is to the poor, to the sick
To the man that stands, on the edge of the ledge
To the rejected, the giving-up
The addicted, the aching hearts

"I try...I try
I try
But I fail

I try, I try...I try, I try
But I am but dust
A sinner to the last"

Just when you thought it was over........
Just when you thought you were done...
Just when you thought it was over
Hes coming closer
HEs coming closer

There is hope!
There is hope for us
Prasie God! There is hope for us
There is hope!
In this hopelessness
There is hope in the name of JESUS
There is hope in the name of JESUS
There is hope because of JESUS

Yes, there is hope

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